About Mrs. Hays & Mrs. Miner

I'm Melanie Hays and I have many years of teaching experience, predominantly in Upper Elementary school. I hold a BA degree from Hope International University, and a MA in Education from the Claremont Graduate School.  I also hold a California Multiple  Subject Teaching Credential.  I have experience teaching in both public and private school settings. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband (We've been married for over 35 years) and we have two amazing adult children. Our son is an HLS graduate who works and lives in Orange County.  Our daughter and her husband, who also live near by, have given us two adorable grandsons who were adore!  They both attend Hephatha Preschool!


I also have an awesome dog, Tessa, which you will be hearing a lot about! I enjoy crocheting, reading, quilting, hanging out with our friends, traveling, serving at church, hiking, pickle-ball, gardening, and of course ... teaching!



I'm Michelle Miner and I am so excited to be teaching at Hephatha! I hold a BA from Cal Poly Pomona and Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with an emphasis in technology from Cal State Fullerton. I have been a part of the Hephatha family for many years. I started working at Hephatha part time teaching computer classes as well as running the library when I was still in college. I also taught 4th grade at Hephatha for 4 years before being blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mom to my two sons while they were young. Both of my sons now attend Hephatha with me each day. My oldest is in 1st grade and the youngest is in TK. I love being in the classroom teaching 5th grade with Mrs. Hays. This will be our 5th fun-filled year as a 5th grade team!